Feel like been ages, not updating this blog. Finally today tulih la jugak walaupun sikit, alots of story to write, lain masa masa boleh story tapi pagi tadi finish satu job, bentang paper di ILDAS tajuk Penyelesaian Harta Wakaf, Wasiat, Hibah, Harta Sepencarian dan Harta Pusaka. 5 in one i tell you ... within 2 hour .. worth it. believe me!. Last night I woke on 2 until 5 preparing the presentation. At last Alhamdulillah. (ILDAS Institut Latihan Dakwah Selangor, Sabak Bernam as pict above)

On way back to Shah Alam, I'm planning to wrap-up all other unfinish business, tup-tup masuk je office ...tu dia fail melambak-lambak kat atas meja, thanks all, now I'm sunk putting my last signature on those letter, jangan sampai demam udah. Rasyid, Razeen, Rifqi got to see this!! phewww.
Wish me luck guys!